Archive for July, 2024

How To Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight And Body Fat Percentage (BMI & LEAN BODY MASS) | LiveLeanTV

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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to calculate your ideal body weight and body fat percentage, as well as your BMI and lean body mass.
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00:00 Introduction
00:45 How To Calculate BMI
01:34 How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage
02:22 How To Calculate Lean Body Mass
02:30 Ideal Body Fat Percentage For Men And Women
02:58 How To Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight

Setting goals by first calculating your ideal body weight is an excellent place to start.

There are a few simple ways to do this, but some are more effective than others.

How To Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI = (your weight in pounds * 703) / (height in inches * height in inches)

My BMI would be calculated as follows:
BMI = (175 pounds * 703) / (71 inches * 71 inches) = 24.4 BMI

According to this BMI calculation, I would be considered just inside the high end of an ideal body weight.

This is the main problem with the BMI calculation. If you have a lean and muscular build like I do, BMI calculations are not the best indicator of your ideal body weight.

In my opinion, calculating your body fat percentage is a better calculation for your ideal body weight.

How To Calculate Your Body Fat Percentage
There are several ways to measure your body fat percentage:
– Body Composition Weight Scale
– Body Fat Skin Fold Calipers
– Hand Held Body Fat Analyzer

What Is Your Body Fat Percentage?
Body Fat Percentage = Total Body Fat Weight / Total Body Weight

My body fat percentage would be calculated as:
Body Fat % = 14 pounds of body fat / 175 pounds total body weight = 8% body fat

How To Calculate Your Lean Body Mass
Lean body mass is fat free mass comprised of muscle, bones, and bodily fluids. My lean body mass would be calculated as:

Lean Body Mass = 175 pounds total body weight – 14 pounds of body fat = 161 pounds of lean body mass

According to the American Council on Exercise, here are the classifications for body fat percentage:

Essential Fat:
Men: 2-5%
Women: 10-13%

Athlete Body Fat Percentage Levels:
Men: 6-13%
Women: 14-20%

Fitness Body Fat Percentage Levels:
Men: 14-17%
Women: 21-24%

Average Body Fat Percentage Levels:
Men: 18-24%
Women: 25-31%

Obese Body Fat Percentage Levels:
Men: 25+%
Women: 32+%

How To Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight And Body Fat Percentage
To show you how to calculate your ideal body weight, I’ll share a real world example of John. John wants to be in the “Athletes” range with a body fat percentage goal of 10% body fat, within one year.

John’s current stats:
– 5″11″
– 230 pounds
– 30% body fat percentage

Weight From Body Fat:
230 pounds of total body weight x 30% body fat = 69 pounds of body fat

Weight From Lean Body Mass:
230 pounds of total body weight – 69 pounds of body fat = 161 pounds of lean body mass

John’s Ideal Body Weight Calculation Goal:
161 pounds of lean body mass x 1.10 = a goal weight of 177 pounds

John’s Fat Loss Goal:
230 pounds – 177 pounds = 53 pounds of body fat to lose

For John to hit his 10% body fat goal, he will have to lose approximately 53 pounds of body fat, in 52 weeks.

This is an example of how to calculate your ideal body weight and create a measurable weight loss goal.

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How To Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight And Body Fat Percentage (BMI & LEAN BODY MASS) | LiveLeanTV

Live Lean TV

Pregnancy is an exciting time and your dietary choices can have an impact on your well-being and your baby’s growth.

Why a healthy diet matters?

During pregnancy, your body undergoes incredible changes, and the nutrients you consume play a crucial role in your health and your baby’s development. A well-balanced diet can reduce the risk of complications, promote fetal growth, and enhances your overall pregnancy experience. You’ll learn the benefits of a healthy diet and the advantages of nourishing your body and your baby with the right foods. You’ll learn what foods to favour and what foods to avoid for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Find out how to incorporate variety into your daily meals so that your meals are diverse, delicious, and packed with essential nutrients. Learn about smart snacking and choosing satisfying snacks that contribute positively to your nutrition. Understand the essential nutrients that your body needs to thrive and to safeguard against birth defects. If you follow a vegetarian lifestyle, we’ll cover how to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. We’ll go through how to have a healthy pregnancy weight gain, and finally we cover the pregnancy diet checklist which is a practical checklist summarizing the key components of a pregnancy-friendly diet.
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What Should My Ideal Weight Be? (Takes 5 Seconds BMI Chart) – Dr Alan Mandell, D.C.

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Understanding your ideal weight is important to sustain good health and a long life.

What is the Ideal BMI Value?

The BMI (Body Mass Index) is used by the medical profession to quickly and simply determine a person’s weight in regard to their height.

From a straight forward calculation the BMI factor can be gained and gives a measure which can be used to determine if a person is underweight, of normal weight, overweight or obese.